
The My Tracks data (when I managed to turn GPS on on the phone!) can be found here.
Pictures here are licensed under a Creative Commons non-commercial attribution license.

Saturday, 16 April 2011

Нижний Новгород

A non-skiing post, since I'm no longer on sabbatical.

However, I am just back from Nizhny Novgorod (AFAICS the editor here does a good job of transliteration from phonetic English to Cyrillic) It was a bit of a shock coming from lovely, sunny, 15C weather in Bristol to 2-3C with rain and lots of piles of snow in Nizhny.

Here's a panorama of the Волга (Volga) as seen from close to our hotel. Note that the river is still partially iced over. I didn't see any Volga boatmen, but did see the hovercraft that acts as a ferry . It  seems a sane way of coping with mixed ice and water.
Panorama of the Volga looking north-ish from Nizhny.
I was hardly immersed in Russian, but you do soon get your eye in for the Cyrillic, and then you start to recognise lots of French, German and even English words... "СТОП" (STOP), "РЕСТАУРАН" (RESTAURAN), "ФРУТТИ ДИ МАРЕ" (FRUTTI DI МАRЕ), "ЭТАЖ" (ETAGE, as on lift signs etc.) Going round with Arch Robison, who had taken the time to actually learn the script first, meant we could also read the sign for "Стриптиз"(which we didn't sample!)

The church across the square from our hotel

The snow melted significantly during the week I was in Nizhny, and there was even some sun at the end of the week (even if a black cloud then came over and it snowed).
The central pedestrian shopping street in Nizhny has lots of global brands, which can be confusing. Arch had trouble with the "Ecco"shoe store since he thought it was in Cyrillic. There was even an Аксессориз. 

A theatre
There's an interesting mix of completely run-down buildings, some still wooden (or, at least, pretending to be), restored old buildings and completely modern ones.
Nizhny region branch of the state bank

When Nizhny was Gorky it was a closed city, and Sakharov was exiled there; his house is now a museum (Nizhny Museums).

It's a real pity that obtaining permission to go to Russia is still so hard. If it was made trivial, then I could see Ryanair and EasyJet flying there. 

Wednesday, 2 March 2011

Some Summary Statistics

I was away from home for 37 days, of which four were spent driving, and I skipped two days, so I skied for 33 days. I managed to remember to turn the My Tracks GPS tracking on for 31 days. In those 31 days, I was out skiing for 182 hours and 2 minutes, and covered more than 1,274 miles ("more than", as the GPS sometimes teleports you if it can't fine enough satellites, which it definitely can't when you're in a tunnel). Since I drove a total of 1850 miles, until I set of for home, I'd travelled further on skis (and ski-lifts!) than by car.

The longest day was over 100km (80 miles), and highest speed was a well judged 99km/h (~62mph), which was at the bottom of the Trolles run into Tignes.

A few random highlights

  • Best Omelette : Omelette au Beaufort at Le Dou du Praz, La Plagne
  • Best Cafe: La Cremerie, La Thuile, Italy
  • Best resort for skiing: Tignes
  • Best resort overall: La Rosiere/La Thuile

Thursday, 17 February 2011

Day 37: Back to Bristol

After spending the night just south of Troyes, I left at about 8am just as rain started, with the sun rising over Champagne and the multitude of wind-turbines. It was rainy more or less to Reims, then clear. Through the tunnel and back to Bristol, getting back about 4:25pm.
Total distance from La Rosiere ~885 miles. Total distance for the whole holiday ~1850 miles.

Sunday, 13 February 2011

Day 36: La Rosiere, La Thuile

Jo and Jim at Roches Noires
My last day skiing. Caroline was too tired to ski today, so Jo used "her" pass to come up on the Roches Noirs Express with her raquettes to walk up to the fort. The link to Italy was closed, so we skied down to the Landeliers lift (which had been closed all week). Alison had a good wipeot on the black run, which seemed to be carnage, with a falling boarder and another sliding skier. By the time we were at the top of Landeliers, Jo had snow-shoed up there.
Jo snow shoeing
We went down and up to the Fort, by which time she was there too.
Luckilyby this time the liaison with Italy was open; it wasn't quite clear why it had been closed, though they sent  a piste-basher down the run from the fort towards Italy. I want a piste basher all the time; skiing 100m behind it was great.
We only took one drag, and then skied some runs in the pass. The snow was amazingly good, given that it hasn't snowed for a month. We then went down the road for lunch at Lo Riondet, definitely the place to go if you like polenta, though we managed to avoid it and had good meals none the less.
Jennifer and Ashley (and consumed Cafes affogato)
After lunch skied around a bit, then down to La Cremerie for cafe affogato.
Back through the pass with a (more or less) last look at Mont Blanc which I'll let you imagine.
A good day's skiing under slight high cloud to finish up with. I'll do some stats and a summary post once I'm home. (I'm posting this a day late from Le Val Moret, just south of Troyes, after an un-eventful drive from La Rosiere, listening to solid In Our Times).

Friday, 11 February 2011

Day 35: La Rosiere, La Thuile

Some high cloud today, so slightly cooler, though still pretty hot for February. Up and over to La Thuile for coffee. Jo was off with Alpes-Rando again today, back in Ste Foy and then up to Le Monal, so a completely different walk from Ste Foy from yesterday.
Lunch in Maison Carrel, which had an excellent Linguine with Ceps.
Panorama looking back from Italy up the Petit St Bernard pass,
Caroline had a fall (and slide) on the first real run after lunch and tweaked her knee, so she waited for us while we did a run back into La Thuile and came back up on the chair lift. Then we set off back to La Rosiere, losing Jennifer and Ashley in the pass since they wanted to do a few more runs.
Ashley, Caroline, Jennifer and Alison,
Alison and I left Caroline at the top of the fort to come down Choucas ("Just don't take any left turns"), and we skied down to the fort lift in slush. The snow in Italy is still amazingly good, but in France it's slush after 11am.
Last day skiing tomorrow.

Thursday, 10 February 2011

Day 34: La Rosiere, La Thuile

Up early despite it being chalet hosts' day off (so self-service breakfast) since Jo needed to be at Skimium at  9:15ish ready for a 9:30 dpearture to Ste Foy for a whole day's snow-shoeing. Caroline was feeling well enough to ski today, so shoe, Alison and I set off.
Caroline & Alison at Les Eucherts
Caroline gradually found her skiing legs, so we set off for Italy, with Jennifer and Ashley catching us up at the top of the Fort.
Caroline in La Cremerie
Down to La Cremerie for coffee, arriving at noon. Caroline had problems with her goggles, so was skiing with mine. We tried to get some in Berthod Sport, but since it was 12:27 and they close at 12:30 it was already shut.
We met up again for lunch at Le Rascard at 1:45. They recognised us (It is the third day we've been there), and were friendly as ever.
After lunch we skied back.
Jo had a good day in Ste Foy with Alpes Rando.
Nearly time to set off to Le Genepi for our meal.

Wednesday, 9 February 2011

Day 33: La Rosiere, La Thuile

Caroline still wasn't up to skiing today, though she was up and about with Jo this morning, finally deciding not t ski at about 11, when she called us (we were in the coffee shop in La Thuile by then) to let us know.
Lunch in Le Rascard, who did indeed have pizzas today. On the way down to Le Rascard by the Women's downhill, we met Clare, who was over from Ste Foy guiding her guests from there.
Panorama over La Thuile, with Monte Cervino (the Matterhorn) in the
After lunch we skied a few more runs, then stopped for a coffee/ice-cream break before setting off for home.
Coffee and Ice-cream.

Mont Blanc from La Rosiere (above Les Suches)
Jo went out with Alpes-Rando again this afternoon, up on the mountains above Lac du Chevril. Through the telescope they saw chamois and an ibex. (Photo to follow...)

With any luck Caroline will be up to skiing tomorrow.

Tuesday, 8 February 2011

Day 32: La Rosiere, La Thuile

Caroline was still ill today, so Alison, Ashley, Jennifer and I set off for Italy under blazing sun. We did the run down from the top of the second drag lift into La Thuile without stopping. Then into the coffee shop for coffee. Up the short chair lift and down the black, then up all the chairs to the top of the Ladies Downhill. Down that and to Le Rascard for lunch, but, no pizzas today (the only guy who knows how to make them was off sick). The patron promises they'll be on the menu tomorrow. Mike came in and left again when he heard there were no pizzas.
After lunch we did a few runs, then got stuck on a lift for 15 minutes. We were forced to sample Ashley's "Gin and Tonic" chocolate. Since we had lost time and people were feeling tired, we decided to head back, so we took the Chaz Dura Express. Unfortunately Alison wasn't paying attention to the signs at the half way point that tell you to "Keep your poles up", so ended up with two 30cm long poles!
Alison and "modified" poles.

Mont Blanc from the pass.
Sun setting on Les Arcs from Chantelauze balcony.
Jo out with Alpes-Rando yesterday.
Back to La Rosiere, where we happened to meet Jo outside the bank, with a new set of Inook Odalys snow shoes. Unfortunately her trip out with Evo-2 was cancelled, but she did some walking on her own, and has booked a number of other outings which do seem to have a quorum already.

Monday, 7 February 2011

Day 31:La Rosiere and the pass

A relaxed day skiing with Ashley, Jennifer and Alison around La Rosiere, and then after lunch in the pass. Caroline wasn't feeling well, so spent the day in the chalet. We had lunch with Jo at the bar in the Petit Saint Bernard, and the proprietor seemed to recognise us, and left three "demis de pression" off the bill. He's clearly expecting us back all week. (Or, Jo at least, for her salade de noix au roquefort, which she had every day last year).

It was very hot, and therefore starting to be slushy (note the temperature on the board at left, at the "front de neige" in La Rosiere after lunch). We therefore decided to see how the snow is holding out in the pass, where it's normally colder than in La Rosiere. Indeed this turned out to be the case, the snow in the pass was fine.
Ashley, Jennifer and Alison at the fort, with that mountain behind them.

Jo arrived at Skimium at 1:25 to check the prices of snow-shoes, and found them about to set off on a walk with only one person, so she decided to join that.

Caroline seems somewhat better this evening. With any luck she'll be skiing tomorrow.

Sunday, 6 February 2011

Day 30: Ste Foy and on to La Rosiere

A relaxed day skiing in Ste Foy, which is rather like Heavenly, in that there are a lot of runs through trees, and a big bowl higher up, though of course Ste Foy has fewer runs. I can see why Ste Foy is attractive to off-piste keenies, since there is a huge off-piste potential.
Panorama from the top of Ste Foy looking back at Val and the Grande
Motte above Tignes.
I fell on a blue run for some obscure reason, and slightly cricked my left knee, but I was able to ski OK afterwards (after a coffee and tarte tatin) in the company of the wonderful marmotte below.
Marmotte in cafe.

I packed up about 3:30 and drove over to La Rosiere (via some small roads almost through Montvalezan, rather than all the way down to Seez and back up). Collected the lift passes from the ski office and had time for a bath before the others arrived.

Now installed in Chantelauze for the week.

Saturday, 5 February 2011

Random thoughts on snowboarders, Tignes now and then...

The Insanity of Snowboarders
As all skiers know, snowboarders are mad. However some aspects of their insanity are more annoying than  others. Their suicide wish, manifested by stopping in the centre of the piste, just on the blind side of a ridge, and then lying down, to guarantee that they can't be seen, and that they make a perfect target for any skier (or even other boarder) going fast is probably the worst symptom. The general idea that you lie down as soon as you stop could just be youthful laziness (they'd rather be in bed than on the piste). The baggy clothes, and trousers at half-mast may also just be properties of youth. However you'd think that even a boarder would work out that you're more likely to be hit if you try to make yourself invisible!
Oh well, they'll probably grow up and learn how to ski.

Changes in Tignes
I was last in Tignes in the mid-eighties. It is interesting to look at what has changed in nearly thirty years, and what hasn't.

Things that have changed:

  • The black wall into Tignes le Lac ("Trolles") is now pisted, not giant moguls
  • There are funiculars up the Grande Motte, and from La Daille up to Belvedere
  • There's a fast chair lift up to Saulire (though the cable car is still there as well)
  • There's a new building and bus interchange/car park in the centre of Tignes le Lac
  • Many other lifts are faster/better
  • They no linger advertise skiing 365 days/year, but just as "The capital of summer skiing".
Things that haven't changed:
  • Piste H is still busy and icy with traffic of all levels of ability, since it's the obvious way between Tignes le Lac and Val Claret
  • Tignes and Val Claret look almost the same, there seems to have been little additional development.
  • The scenery and runs are still great, better than Trois Vallees in my opinion, even if 3V is bigger.
  • The lift pass is still expensive (but, probably worth it for the skiing).

Day 29: All over Espace Killy

A short post today, because it was a long day, and the rugby is calling.
We went out with Ben and skied all over: La Grande Motte, la Daille, Val d'Isere,  le Fornet, so covered top, bottom and both sides of the piste map. (Unfortunately upload to Google Maps still seems to be broken, so you can't see the map, just the statistics). The first longer than 100km day (without including the Funival teleportation). Bringing the total for the week to 458km, and top speed 99km/h (at the bottom of Trolles into le Lac). It was a hot day (+1 at 3000m), and more of the same is forecast all next week.
Guess the mountain.

I am looking forward to seeing the family in La Rosiere tomorrow evening.

Friday, 4 February 2011

Day 28: Tignes, La Daille

Last night I ended up eating in La Sachette, where I had a "small" Tarte au Beaufort (which was huge), and a mousse au chocolat.
Mousse au Chocolat at La Sachette,
complete with gold leaf.
A good meal composed of a starter and desert.

Today was Ben's half day, so we skied with him until lunch. Including coming down one of the "Nature Ride" runs, Golf, which are black unpisted runs. This one brought us down onto the road between le Lac and Val Claret at a bus stop.

Tignes le Lac from "Golf" piste
After lunch I went up the Motte with Steph, as Greg is still nursing his leg. (Since the doctor said "You can't ski on that leg for at least six months" he's keen to get out skiing on the other leg. "The doctor didn't say anything about that.")

Lunch in Tignes le Lac 
It was windy at the top of the Motte, enough to persuade people they didn't want to go up there, so we got onto the first cable car, but not so bad the cable car was closed. We did top to bottom in about 9m10s, well inside the "Ben Ten", and without racing.
The market (all of it) in Les Brevieres

Panorama looking down towards Les Brevieres from near the
Aiguille Percee
Down to the market to get some Beaufort Ete for lunch on Sunday. The stall keeper explained that the cheese is really too cold to taste when you're outside, but that it is the good stuff.

Last day in Tignes tomorrow. Ben is intending to take us over to Le Fornet, above Val d'Isere up on the Col d'Iseran.

Thursday, 3 February 2011

Day 27: Tignes, Val d'Isere

Ben's day off (though he was serving breakfast as a punishment for a misdemeanour earlier in the week). So, there is no ski-guiding today. Most people made a slightly later start, I decided to ski on my own, since I'll be skiing with everyone next week. So, up and down around Tignes, then up on the Grande Motte under skies with a slight high haze. Down from the top of the Motte to the Val Claret in under ten minutes. Ben timed us yesterday, he did it in 6mins and a bit, I was 10m10s, though in neither case was I racing, just coming down at a natural pace and avoiding the traffic.
Over to La Daille to look for lunch, which I didn't find there, so up the "Funival" (which is guaranteed teleportation for GPS since it runs in a tunnel) and down to Val, where I managed to find a French hotel with a "menu du jour" for 18Euro (salade verte, cabillaud with polenta and carrots, the usual desert selection from which I chose the creme caramel, and very good it was too.) After lunch up onto Solaise, and then back to Tignes. I'm not convinced by a lot of polenta for lunch, even though I left some!
90degree panorama from Toviere looking towards "that mountain" and
La Rosiere
Down to Tignes le Lac and then up and once around Aiguille Percee, where the run was very polished and developing lumps.
Back towards Les Brevieres, with a detour onto the "Silene" black run, which was horrible (narrow with big icy moguls with cliffs on the back). After getting down half of it I realised that I could traverse right and find the red run.
Finally back down to Brevieres over the ice at the bottom.
The Church in Les Brevieres
Probably out for a light dinner later with some of the others, though lunch was large!
There seems to be some current problem uploading My Tracks data to Google Maps. Maybe it's time to reboot the phone.

Looking forward to seeing the family on Sunday on La Rosiere. I hope everyone is fit, since I just ordered five lift passes.

No snow is forecast, with sun or high cloud (and high temperatures). Maybe the snow in Italy will be better.

Wednesday, 2 February 2011

Day 26: Tignes, Val d'Isere

Out again with Ben today under cloudless skies. Over to Val d'Isere and up to Solaise (which now has a fast chairlift as well as the slow cable-car I remember).
Panorama from top of the Daille buble (with Mont Blanc!)
Down some runs I hadn't ever reached before at the back and beyond Solaise, then back to Val, up to Bellevarde and down for lunch near the Marmottes lift.
View down Isere valley over Lac du Chevril and its dam. Les Brevieres
is below the dam.

After lunch Greg fell (despite his expensive new Surefoot boots), maybe it was the moguls he wanted to try. He was able to ski down to the top of the Daille bubble and take that down to La Daille. We went down "OK", which used to be the downhill course, and then back up and over to go up onto the Grande Motte again.
180+ degree panorama from top of Grande Motte cable-car (3456m)
The view from up here is great, including Mont Blanc, and most of La Rosiere.
Finally back home, though the run into Les Brevieres is now extremely icy. The snow elsewhere remains surprisingly good, though the forecast is resolutely set on sun.

Some idiot spoiling the view from the Grande Motte

Tuesday, 1 February 2011

Day 25: Tignes, Val d'Isere

Out with Ben and a group again. A nine a.m. start at the lift (250m walk in ski-boots away) is hard work.
L'Aiguille Percee (from the eponymous chair lift)
However we did stop for a coffee today at the restaurant at the top of the funicular up the Grande Motte, which gave me flashbacks, since it's identical (give or take some snowboards on the walls) to how it was in the eighties. Back then, of course, it was at the top of the bubble lift, but there's now a funicular inside the mountain, though we took a chair lift since it was sunny all day and the funicular is (apparently) slow.

After a non-stop run down from the top of the Grande Motte cable car to Val Claret (which seemed about 6km long, from My Tracks) up and down to lunch (also in Val Claret).

Queue for the Grande Motte cable-car
(built in 1975!) with Grande Motte in the background.
After lunch over to Val d'Isere, then back to Tignes Le Lac and up and down a few more runs before heading home from the Aiguille Percee down to Brevieres. The run back seemed slightly less icy at the bottom than yesterday.

A long day, 7h37 minutes, with 5h39 moving, but a good one.

~90 degree panorama looking East(?) from top of Grande Motte cable car (3505m by GPS, 3456m according to STGM)

Monday, 31 January 2011

Day 24: Tignes, La Daille

Out today with the Bonjour ski guiding. The guide, Ben, is fast, but, as ever with a group of 11 people there's a degree of waiting around, and runs getting split into small sections. Up and down working our way around Tignes from the top of the lift from Les Brevieres in cloudy and grey conditions, including a run down the "Guerlain Chicheritt" Black run from the "Cold des Ves" lift, which is apparently rarely open. Moguls, but not too bad. Down to Val Claret and up and down to Lavachet for lunch. The big wall down into Tignes is now heavily pisted; I remember it as being all moguls back in the eighties...

After lunch the sun came out (and sunny weather is forecast through Sunday, with only a few clouds out until Wednesday week, so those coming on Sunday to La Rosiere should be prepared for no snow, and sunny weather). Up and down to Val Claret then over to La Daille, where I had the best fall of the holiday yet: I found some ice on a fairly steep section down through the woods to La Daille, fell, and slid "75-100m" according to witnesses. Though they also said "it was a pretty uninteresting slide". No skis came off, though, and only my pride was injured. Back up and down to Tignes Le Lac, then up and back to Les Brevieres, down a very icy red run.

Few pictures today, since there was no time to stop and take them (despite the stats showing a relatively short and slow day), but, jut for "The Editor" :
Cloud on Mont Blanc from run down to Les Brevieres

Sunday, 30 January 2011

Day 23: Champagny and on to Tignes

I left Meribel about 9:30 , and drove to Champagny. Apart from a slight detour through the centre of Brides Les Bains, which was clearly unnecessary, I got to Champagny about 10am and parked at the very top of the car park, by the lift. As I was adding skiing outer layers Manissa and Dave appeared from the lift. Up to  the lift office to get a day pass (and recover the Euro 3 deposit on my old pass), and chat to some Canadians in the queue ("What European countries don't have mountains or ski resorts?").
Up from Champagny (which looks barer than a few weeks ago; where's the snow?), and then down into La Plagne, and up onto the glacier, then back down to meet one of Manissa et al's colleagues for lunch, and to swap books.
The best omelette yet for lunch, "Omelette au Beaufort". Up and down a load of runs in La Plagne, which wasn't too icy, then back to Champagny, and after goodbyes, a drive down to Moutiers, then back up to Bourg and on to Tignes Les Brevieres. As ever, behind a bus coming up. (I must do the maths to demonstrate why this always happens!)
Arrived in Les Brevieres about 6pm, and found the "chalet", which is really more of a chalet hotel. Numbered rooms with keys, and a capacity of ~40 at a guess. Seems friendly enough, and food is good. They claim that the pistes in Tignes and around are in good condition. Tomorrow we will see.

Saturday, 29 January 2011

Day 22: Meribel, Courchevel

Over to Courchevel in sunshine this morning in the hope of finding good snow there. This actually turned out to be a fulfilled hope.
~270degree panorama from Creux Noirs. Saulire in the centre (ignore the giant safety poles in Meribel!)
Up to Creux Noirs on the usual basis of "here's a lift I haven't taken yet", and a good run down to Suisses, then up and down the Suisses black run a few times since it was so nice. Down to the Altiport since there was a queue at Suisses. They were actually playing polo. To end the morning back down to Chaudanne in Meribel for lunch and to meet Mary to ski the afternoon.
We went up both Tougnette lifts and had a good run down before deciding to go back to Courchevel since Mary hadn't found the Suisses run yet. Skiing with Mary makes me realise I should put in many more turns! A few more runs around Suisses and Turcs (which is mostly the same run), then back to Meribel for tea.
Peter, Jen, Sophia, Jim, Joanna

An excellent day to finish a pleasant week in the 3Vallees (which have been teaching me to keep my legs apart by throwing in some ice here and there to make things "interesting"). Tomorrow to Champagny for the day to ski with Manissa and friends for the day, then on to Tignes for next week.
Chalet host Mary drinking Irish coffee

Friday, 28 January 2011

Day 21: Meribel, Courchevel, Les Menuires

A day under high cloud, so flat light. The meteo claimed the high cloud would clear at lunchtime, but if anything it got worse. Over to Courchevel with Jen and Soph(ia) who competently handled the red runs we found.
Panorama from Saulire looking including our favourite mountain.
We found the most expensive coffee yet (Euro 4.50 for an espresso), the fact that it was in Courchevel, and next to a Polo pitch should have been a giveaway. The people arriving seemed to be Camilla clones...
Panorama at the top of La Vizelle
At the top of La Vizelle we came across The Thinker. Maybe he's considering whether he can afford a coffee.
Soph and Jen were meeting some friends who'd been in ski school for lunch at noon in Meribel, so we headed back, and I carried on to Les Menuires, where I could hear the dessert du jour calling to me form La Marmite de Geant.
Dessert du Jour
The dessert du jour cost Euro 3.50 (though I think it should have been 4.90), but still, a much better deal than Courchevel.

Up to La Messe, but it was a bit icy and flat.
Panorama from Masses looking NE (ish)
Back down to Les Menuires, and back via Mottaret and Saulire for tea in the chalet.

Panorama from Masses looking SW(ish)
Les Menuires emblem at the top of Masses

Thursday, 27 January 2011

Day20: Meribel, Les Menuires, Val Thorens

A similar day to yesterday, though the sky was hazy today (but no snow in sight). Up and down a slightly different set of lifts and runs,  as usual taking the wrong lifts on a few occasions on the basis of "here's a lift I wonder where it goes" without looking at the piste map.

Pointless signs!?
This approach did find these wonderful signs next to a drag lift, though!

On Portette I fell over, for the first time this week. Rats. Finally I got up to the top of the Col (one of the slowest chair lifts in the world AFAICT) by the Glacier de Thorens at 3130m. Here's a panorama (for the Editor's benefit looking south, so not including Mont Blanc). This was stitched together in no time by the wonderful Hugin open source stitching software. Throw in three photos, ask its expert to stitch them, and out comes a panorama!
Panorama looking south from "Col" over the glacier.
By now, though, I could here the cries of the "Tarte Tatin fabrication maison" that I didn't have on Tuesday, so down to Les Menuires and La Marmite de Geant.
Tarte Tatin at La Marmite de Geant
The tarte tatin wasn't dessert du jour today, but it seemed a good choice. Indeed, there was a chap at the next table who'd just finished eating his dessert du jour (fromage frais au coulis), but, when he saw my tarte tatin he ordered one too!
Back to Meribel without going via Mottaret just in time to hear them announcing the final results of the Europa cup slalom.

Meribel with that mountain behind it
Up on Saulire and so home by 4pm. This seemed like a shorter day than yesterday, but My Tracks reckons yesterday was 6:15:52 and today 6:15:23, and that I was moving longer today, which seems unlikely since I stopped for lunch today but didn't yesterday. I think it's the teleportation yesterday that confuses it!
Jim at 3 Marches (2704m)